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Featured articles from newspapers, magazines, video channels, podcasts  and other publications.

Inteligência artificial ‘lê’ cérebro e reconstitui imagens; sonhos podem ser próximo passo
This Conversation Changed the Way I Think About Dementia
This Revolutionary Stroke Treatment Will Save Millions of Lives. Eventually.
Concussions Pose Particular Risks for Older Adults
Our Brains Weren’t Designed for This Kind of Food
Oito maneiras pelas quais os cientistas estão desvendando os mistérios do cérebro humano
Why Scientists Have Spent Years Mapping This Creature’s Brain
A ‘Pacemaker for the Brain’: No Treatment Helped Her Depression — Until This
Um falso dilema no ar: o impacto da tecnologia nos negócios da saúde
How SARS-CoV-2 infects the brain
Tapping Into the Brain to Help a Paralyzed Man Speak
What Gaming Does to Your Brain—and How You Might Benefit