The paper published in The New England Journal of Medicine contributes to the improvement of health systems in developing countries
A study carried out by researchers from all over Brazil pointed out that the use of thrombectomy is a possible, safe and effective method for the treatment of cerebrovascular accidents (CVA) in developing countries. The survey showed that patients who underwent the technique had a significant improvement after 90 days of stroke, compared to those who did not undergo the procedure.
This was the first study to test post-stroke thrombectomy in a developing country. The results were published in one of the most prestigious academic journals in the world, “The New England Journal of Medicine”.
Stroke or “spill” is one of the most common problems in Brazil and worldwide. According to the study authors, in Brazil it is the second leading cause of death and the largest cause of disability in patients.
Thrombectomy is the mechanical removal of blood clots from the vessels and must be done after the occurrence of a stroke. The treatment allows for a quick return of blood flow to the brain. This procedure was already used in developed countries and the study showed that it can also be used in Brazil.
A featured article on the subject is available on the Brainn CEPID website.
The paper can be accessed at the DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2000120